The HBO series Big Little Lies, based on Liane Moriarty’s New York Times bestselling novel, tells the story of three competitive mothers living in Monterey, California. The A-type of the group is Madeline Mackenzie (Reese Witherspoon). Jane Chapman (Shailene Woodley) is the latest addition but she’s not rich and is a single mom. The third mom is Celeste Wright (Nicole Kidman) who is married to a younger man named Perry.
Perry Wright is portrayed by Alexander Skarsgård. American will recognize the Swedish actor from his roles on True Blood (Eric Northman) and in the films The Legend of Tarzan (John Clayton/Tarzan), Zoolander 2 (Adam), The Diary of Teenage Girl (Monroe), The Giver (Father), and in the dramatic Lady Gaga music video “Paparazzi” (as the boyfriend). The video, below, has been viewed more than 183 million times. Big Little Lies airs Sundays at 9pm on HBO.