The Super Bowl LI ad “Chez Felix” takes place a fancy restaurant where two actors from the Fast and the Furious movies are dining — at separate tables. When a group of thugs walks in, both stand up and fight them off. All of the patrons and employees duck for cover — all but one young chef who is oblivious because he’s working on his new website Chez Felix via (he’s wearing headphones). It takes an explosion (which blows out the electricity in the building) for the chef to finally take off his headphones. He sees the two actors, the only two left in the dark restaurant. The woman asks the chef, with a smile, “Can I get this to go?”
[Gal Gadot will reprise her roles as Diana Prince in the upcoming film Wonder Woman]
The male star is Jason Statham. The female star is Gal Gadot. The Israeli-born model/actress is known for her roles in the films Keeping Up with the Joneses (Natalie), Batman v Superman; Dawn of Justice (Diana Prince/Wonder Woman), among others. Gadot will appear next on the big screen in the 2017 film Wonder Woman, directed by Patty Jenkins.