“People Are People” Depeche Mode assured us in anthemic style. And everybody is entitled to — even needs — “Your Own Personal Jesus.” The band let us know that too, unforgettably. Depeche Mode makes music that crawls under your skin and stays there. In their latest release — another anthem-like track marking their re-entry after a four year break — Depeche Mode has dropped “Where’s the Revolution?” (Video below.) Thing about this one is it’s so damn ambiguous, it describes a one-size-fits-all revolution. Are you a Trump-loving, Brexit-voting, nationalistic flag flyer? If so then your revolution seems to have already started, and Depeche Mode’s lyrics describe your “don’t tread on me” anger perfectly.
You’ve been pissed on
For too long
Your rights abused
Your views refused
But what if you’re an inner city minority beat down by systemic racism? Or a Syrian refugee fleeing carnage and chaos? The song fits your anger too. Listen to “Where’s the Revolution?” and no matter who you are, it suits your insurrection. Which revolution does Depeche Mode mean? Whose side is this song on? Maybe it’s “your own personal revolution” and doesn’t take a side. Is that enough? The new Depeche Mode album, Spirit, slated for March 17 will tell more.