The Little Women franchise is launching yet another spinoff, Little Weddings. The series features the McInturff siblings – Kasey, Kelly, Kensey and TJ – who run an event planning business (Sassy Bash Events) that specializes in planning big weddings for little people. In the series premiere, the McInturffs meet a couple who think they want to get married in a bowling alley. While the McInturffs do their best to work as a team, TJ clearly wants to be in charge.
Timothy “T.J.” McInturff recently ran for City Councilman in his hometown of Simi Valley, California. The 36-year-old former litigation investigator for Bank of America did not win his first election but said he was “proud of the few thousand votes I received.” He plans to run again. Among other things, McInturff wants to make Simi Valley more accessible to TV and film production companies which would bring in revenue for the town known as the site of The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. Little Weddings airs Wednesdays at 9pm on Lifetime.