In the TV movie Remote Paradise, a single young woman named Tamara (Boti Bliss) inherits $8.3 million when her father dies. She and two friends fly to Hawaii. Within one hour of being in paradise, they notice a hot guy named Dario checking them out with a pair of binoculars. Tamara gets swept up in a steamy romance with Dario until she realizes that someone has stolen her money and brutally attacked one of her friends.
[Who Is Tamara In ‘Remote Paradise’?]
Dario is portrayed by Antonio Sabato, Jr. The former Calvin Klein model is known for his roles on the soap operas General Hospital: Night Shift (Jagger Cates), The Bold and the Beautiful (Dante Damiano), and Melrose Place (Jack Parezi), among others. He recently competed on Dancing with the Stars (Season 19, 2014, 8th place with Cheryl Burke) and in July 2016 he spoke at the 2016 Republican National Convention in support of GOP candidate Donald Trump. Sabato has said that he believes President Obama is a Muslim. Remote Paradise premieres on LMN on Sunday, October 30 at 8pm.