A beautiful young woman named Shelley Mook disappeared from Shelbyville, Tennessee on February 11, 2011. The 24-year-old was last seen dropping off her daughter Lilli Mook at her ex-husband Tyler Mook’s home. Shelley and Tyler were going through a bitter custody battle. Shelley’s burned car was found but her body was not. Private investigator Kevin Keele, who’s been on the case for the past five years, says he’s “pretty damn sure who did it.” In 2012, Tyler Mook inadvertently “butt dialed” 911, and is allegedly heard saying “Oh, they got people seeing me leave that night…” and “oh, they seen Shelley’s car going down the road that night.”
[Did Tyler Mook Tell Daughter Lilli To Burn Down Grandmother’s House?]
In 2014, three years after Shelley’s disappearance, Tyler Mook was charged with attempted first-degree murder involving a girlfriend in Florida. Mook allegedly threw his girlfriend off a boat and attempted to hold her under the water. In May 2016, Mook was sentenced to 12 years in prison for attempted murder of the girlfriend. 48 Hours will air its investigative report on Shelley Mook’s disappearance on Saturday, October 29 at 10pm on CBS.