Trisha Prabhu is a 16-year-old coder from Naperville, Illinois. At 10, she started coding and discovered her passion. She is creator of ReThink, an anti-bullying app. It stops cyberbullying before the damage is done. It helps teens rethink posing an offensive message on social media before hitting the send/post button. According to the ReThink website: “Research shows that when adolescents are alerted to ReThink their decision, they change their minds 93% of the time…using ReThink, the overall willingness of the average adolescent to post an offensive message reduced from 71% to 4%.”
[ReThink is available for free on iTunes]
Since launching ReThink, Prabhu has been invited to the White House and has been named a Google Science Fair Finalist. Her work has been recognized by MIT, and she’s given three TED Talks. Now she’s pitching her business on Shark Tank, which airs Fridays at 9pm on ABC.