In the new TV series MacGyver, the enterprising, bomb-diffusing young man is portrayed by Lucas Till. The 26-year-old actor got his big break in the 2005 film Walk the Line. He played Jack Cash, son of Johnny Cash (Joaquin Phoenix) and June Carter Cash (Reese Witherspoon, who won an Oscar for her performance). Till is also known for his role as Travis Brody in Hannah Montana: The Movie, and for his role as Havok in the X-Men movies.
Till was born in Fort Hood, Texas. He is the son of John Mark Till, a lieutenant colonel in the US Army. Lt. Col. Till showed up on the set of MacGyver and tried to explain to his son’s co-star Justin Hires how the Blackhawk Gunner seat works. But as Lucas wrote: “Justin ignores him and instead daydreams about being in a war movie himself.” See below. MacGyver airs Fridays at 8pm on CBS.