In the Hallmark Channel movie Summer of Dreams, Debbie Taylor is a former teen pop star who’s just been dropped by her label. She decides she needs a break, something totally different, so she visits her sister in Ohio. There, Debbie becomes a substitute high school music teacher — although she never gives up on her dreams. On the job, she unexpectedly bonds with a couple of her students, and accepts an invitation to the prom (from one of the chaperones), where she once again performs.
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Debbie Taylor is portrayed by real-life pop star Debbie Gibson. The Long Island native, who is now 45, was known in the 1980s for her original songs “Only in My Dreams”, which landed her a contract with Atlantic Records, and “Shake Your Love“ (the music video was choreographed by Paula Abdul, see below). In the 1990s Gibson made her Broadway debut in Les Miserables (as Eponine) then starred as Sandy in Grease in London’s West End. (In the US production she played Rizzo.) Funny Girl, Beauty and the Beast, Gypsy, Chicago…she played the lead roles in all of them. Summer of Dreams premieres on Hallmark on Saturday, August 27 at 9pm. It will air again on August 28 at 5pm, September 3 at 7pm, and September 4 at 1pm.