In the Hallmark Channel movie Summer of Dreams, a fading 1980s pop star Debbie Taylor (portrayed by real life pop star Debbie Gibson) has just been dropped by her record label. With a heavy heart, Debbie leaves the big city and visits her sister in Ohio. Although Debbie picks up a job as a substitute high school music teacher, she never gives up on her dreams. Debbie once again performs her famous song ‘Only in My Dreams’ — this time at the school prom.
[Who Is Debbie In ‘Summer of Dreams’? That’s Debbie Gibson]
Debbie Gibson wrote the song ‘Only in My Dreams’ when she was 16. For the movie, Gibson agreed to re-record the song for the character Johnny to sing at the prom. But Gibson, who’s now 45, says when she was in the studio she realized “I’m going to kill myself if I leave the studio and I don’t lay down my own version of this.” She adds, “Because I was feeling something new about the song, and I was kinda rediscovering it.” She says, “Singing it as an adult, in this grounded, acoustic way –I was like ‘this is really cool. It was a raw, emotional moment.” Summer of Dreams premieres on Hallmark on Saturday, August 27 at 9pm. It will air again on August 28 at 5pm, September 3 at 7pm, and September 4 at 1pm.