In the new AMC drama Feed the Beast on AMC, Tommy Moran (David Schwimmer) is a widower struggling to raise his son TJ (Elijah Jacob) while mourning the death of his wife Rie (Christine Adams). At a group therapy session for grieving spouses, a beautiful young woman named Pilar Herrera introduces herself to Tommy. She blurts out that her husband died in her arms.
Pilar Herrera is portrayed by Lorenza Izzo. The 26-year-old Chilean-born actress is known for her roles in the recently released comedy/horror film Holidays with Kevin Smith and Seth Green, Eli Roth’s Knock Knock starring Keanu Reeves (see clip below) and The Green Inferno, and Sex Ed starring Haley Joel Osment, among others. (Note: The model-turned-actress Izzo is married to 44-year-old filmmaker Eli Roth.) Feed the Beast airs Saturdays at 10pm on AMC.