Reports are that Lil’ Wayne is stable after his midair scare over Omaha. The rapper reportedly suffered two seizures and had to be hospitalized after his jet landed in emergency conditions. Wayne has been grounded before due to seizures, having been hospitalized after a similar incident back in 2013. The suspected trigger for the seizures then and now is an old Lil’ Wayne favorite, sizzurp — also known as lean or purple drank.
Lean is a promethazine/codeine syrup flavored with soda and/or alcohol and candy that is said to cause euphoria. Taken in high doses it can deliver hallucinogenic effects similar to the effect of drugs like PCP. lists the promethazine/codeine combo as one of the two most commonly abused cough and cold medicine, along with Dextromethorphan. Lil’ Wayne has said in the past that he suffers from epilepsy. He has reportedly tried to quit the lean multiple times.