Season 2 of “I Am Jazz,” the reality TV show based on the life of transgender teen Jazz Jennings, will premiere on June 8 at 10pm on TLC. A lot has happened since Season 1. In addition to appearing in Johnson & Johnson’s Clean & Clear commercials, the 15-year-old Jazz has been busy writing. Her second book, Being Jazz: My Life as a (Transgender) Teen will be released on June 7, 2016. It’s already the #1 Best Selling Book in the Transgender category on Amazon.
Jazz’s first book is an illustrated, 32-page children’s book titled I Am Jazz. At the age of 12 she wrote it with Jessica Herthel, director of the Stonewall National Education Project. The 272 pages of Being Jazz is for Young Readers (teens). And according to Booklist, Being Jazz “is an important addition to the slender but growing body of transgender literature and belongs in every library.” I Am Jazz airs Wednesdays at 10pm on TLC.