In the Season 4 finale of Chicago Fire, while Kidd (Miranda Rae Mayo) deals with her unstable ex Grant (guest star Guy Burnet), and Dawson (Monica Raymund) pursues her quest to foster Louie (the little boy she rescued from a fire last week), Casey (Jesse Spencer) is urged by his new political consultant Susan Weller to attend a three-day summit and to consider a larger political office.
Susan Weeler is portrayed by Lauren Stamile. She’s known for her roles on Major Crimes (Moly Pace), CSI: Cyber (Dr. Colleen Marks), Complications (Bridget O’Neill), Workaholics (Lydia), Scandal (Carla), Burn Notice (Agent Pearce), Community (Professor Michelle Slater), and Grey’s Anatomy (Nurse Rose), among others. Chicago Fire airs Tuesdays at 10pm on NBC.