In the Brooklyn Nine-Nine episode “Maximum Security,” while Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg) and Charles Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) play doctors, fellow NYPD detective Amy Santiago (Melissa Fumero) goes undercover at a women’s prison. In order to gain intel on a case, Amy must befriend an inmate.
Inmate Maura Figgis is portrayed by Aida Turturro. She’s best known for her roles on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Judge Felicia Catano), ER (Sheryl Hawkins), and The Sopranos (Janice Soprano Baccalieri). She earned two Emmy nominations for her work on The Sopranos. Aida is a cousin of actors John Turturro and Nicholas Turturro, Brooklyn Nine-Nine airs Tuesdays at 9:30pm on FOX.
[Bonus: here’s Terry Crews talking Brooklyn Nine-Nine:]