TLC is producing a new series called Two in a Million. It pairs people who suffer from the same rare medical condition. The season premiere episode, “Boys of Steel,” features 9-year-old Owen and 7-year-old Giovanni who both suffer from a painful muscular disorder called Schwartz Jampel Syndrome. It’s rare genetic disorder (there are 85 cases in medical literature) characterized by abnormal bone development. The two boys wish “to meet someone that knows how I feel.”
The other five episodes of Two in a Million will pair people with ectodermal dysplasia, lamellar ichthyosis, osteogenesis imperfecta, Jarcho-Levin syndrome, and Goldenhar syndrome. “It’s great to know that I’m not the only one out there,” is a common admission on Two in a Million which airs Wednesdays at 10pm on TLC.