Fans of the rainy Pacific Northwest, backward-talking dwarves, and damn fine coffee are in luck because it looks like the Twin Peaks revival might not be a limited series after all. Eighteen episodes have just finished production, and according to the Twitter account @ForLocations (which as its name suggests, tracks filming locations), the series is wrapping up “its first two seasons … Yes, first two seasons.”
Of course, it’s possible that we’re not getting any more than 18 episodes, just split over two seasons. Still, for fans of the cult show, this is promising news. If the revival is aired as two separate seasons and there is no significant decrease in viewers between the first and second, Showtime and David Lynch might be persuaded to coax the cast back for even more quirky weirdness.
"Twin Peaks"
has almost wrapped up its first 2 seasons
of location filming in Los Angeles –
about 2-3 more weeks to go.— Go For Locations (@ForLocations) April 4, 2016