Game of Thrones has been the kind of hit for HBO that allows the innovative cable king to take chances on riskier shows. It’s the bomb, in other words, a show and an ecosystem — Westeros — that has entered the broader culture. George R.R. Martin, mastermind creator of Westeros, can see the end of Game of Thrones — even if he can’t finish the final novel in the series on which the show is based. With people hungry for more, Martin told ET that just as there are famously “eight million stories in the naked city,” so there are “eight million stories in Westeros.”
The clearest path to a new iteration in the Game of Thrones franchise follows in the footsteps of another famous George who created a singular world — George Lucas. Just as the Star Wars franchise spread its wings further as a prequel, going back in time, Martin points to his Dunk & Egg novellas. This trilogy also makes use of the Westeros landscape, but nearly a century earlier. It’s biblical stuff.