In the Crowded sitcom pilot, Mike Moore (Patrick Warbuton) and his wife Martina (Carrie Preston) are not excited to learn that their two almost grown daughters — straightlaced Shea (Miranda Cosgrove) and wild child Stella (Mia Serafino) — are moving back into their home. And on top of that, Mike’s parents decide to ditch their idea of retiring in Florida.
Martina Moore is portrayed by Carrie Preston. The red-haired actress is best known for her roles on The Good Wife (kooky genius attorney Elsbeth Tascioni), Happyish (Debbie), True Blood (Arlene Fowler), Person of Interest (Grace Hendricks), The Following (Judy), and Emeril (B.D. Benson). Preston is also recognized for her roles in the films Doubt (Christine Hurley), The Stepford Wives (Barbara), The Legend of Bagger Vance (Idalyn Greaves), and My Best Friend’s Wedding (Amanda Newhouse), among others. P.S. Preston is married to Person of Interest star Michael Emerson (Harold Finch). Crowded will premiere on March 15 at 10pm and 10:30pm on NBC.