The reality TV show L.A. Clippers Dance Squad features the 20 young dancers chosen to be a part of, yup, the L.A. Clippers Dance Squad. Hundreds of dancers compete to get the chance to perform and represent the NBA basketball team. On the series premiere, we meet the L.A. Clippers Dance Squad creative director, Petra Pope.
Petra started her career in NBA basketball entertainment as the manager of the Los Angeles Lakers Girls (1983-1989), and then she launched the Knicks City Dancers in 1991. After 14 years with the Knicks, she worked with the Nets in New Jersey and then Brooklyn. Petra’s responsible for the Brooklynnets. Petra hasn’t gotten soft on the West Coast. On the first episode, she’s quick to point out the weakest link (Natalie). L.A. Clippers Dance Squad airs Tuesdays at 10pom on E!