The Willis Family is a new TLC series that follows the large musical family in their Tennessee home. Toby, 47, and Brenda, 48, are the parents of 12 children – eight girls and four boys. All of them have names that begin with the letter J. Here is a quick breakdown of the kids:
- Jessica, 23 – blonde beauty, great songwriter, usually on fiddle
- Jeremiah “Jair”, 22 – bearded, driving force musically, usually on guitar
- Jenny, 20 – sweet, loveable brunette on the accordion
- Jeanette “Jet”, 19 – funny blonde on the whistle
- Jackson, 17 – on drums considered a hothead by his siblings, “very confident”
- Jedidiah, 15 – on bass
- Jasmine, 14 – talented blonde vocalist, lacks confidence (so far!)
- Juliette, 12 – brunette charmer on the accordion and harp
- Jamie, 10 – family predicts this brunette is the “sleeper superstar of the group”
- Joy Anna, 8 – brunette considered “scary smart,” picks up instruments easily, like Jair
- Jaeger, 5 – troublemaker on guitar
- Jada, 4 – the dancer
The Willis Family airs Tuesdays at 10pom on TLC. Formerly known as The Willis Clan, their 2015 album Heaven is available on Amazon.