Felicia Buffkin, the 29-year-old single nanny from Raleigh, North Carolina is one of five contestants who have made it to the finale of The Biggest Loser. All of the contestants are getting psyched for the finale, where the winner will be announced and receive the $250,000 prize. Jacky Kmet is taking to Twitter and rooting for her husband Stephen Kmet who’s lost 100 pounds on the ranch. Meanwhile, Felicia Buffkin is spending the day before the finale getting glam.
She’s been posting photos of herself getting her hair done and giving sneak peaks at her manicured toes in silver celebratory shoes. It’s what you do when you feel like you’re going to win. Or really — just when you feel good about yourself and your accomplishment. The Biggest Loser finale will air February 22 at 9pm on NBC.
A photo posted by Felicia Buffkin (@fefefitness) on