In the Duck Dynasty episode “Pie Hard,” Willie and Alan Robertson help their mother Miss Kay open a bakery. Miss Kay’s Sweets and Eats is located in the Robertson hometown of West Monroe, Louisiana – right next door to Willie’s Duck Diner. Miss Kay will sell desserts including her famous chocolate and coconut cream pies and puddings.
Alan’s daughter, pastry chef Alex Robertson Mancuso, will be head baker at Miss Kay’s. Alan said of the bakery: “Mom always wanted her own place, and we’re excited about being able to share her amazing recipes with our community and the rest of the world. This is perfect because it’s adjacent to Willie’s restaurant. We may even connect the two buildings.” The bakery was scheduled to open in December but as of January 28, 2016, it was not yet doing business. According to Miss Kay’s Sweets Twitter account, doors should open in February. Duck Dynasty airs Wednesdays at 9:30pm on A&E.