Oscar nominee Christian Bale (The Big Short) got married in 2000 to a woman named Sibi Blazic. When they met, Blazic was working as an assistant to Bale’s friend, actress Winona Ryder. Bale and Blazic eloped on her 26th birthday. In 2005, they had a daughter. In 2014, they had a son. Bale rarely talks about his family – he won’t reveal the names of his children in the press.
Blazic knows a bit about the movie business. Bale says she was a stunt driver on The Dark Knight Rises. “She was driving one of the cop cars, She can do 180s and stunts and all that. She terrifies me,” he said. Bale also revealed that his wife preferred his Irv character in American Hustle, a character Bale gained weight for. He explained, “She loved it. She was like, ‘Keep getting bigger. I look fantastic and skinny.’”