On The Middle episode “Birds of a Feather,” while Axl Heck (Charlie McDermott) starts his internship at snack company Little Betty, his mother Frankie (Patricia Heaton) struggles at work at Dr. Goodwin’s (Jack McBrayer) Smile Superstars office. Meanwhile, at school, Sue’s (Eden Sher) writing professor tries to stop her from seeing the world in such a positive way for an assignment.
[Who Is Axl’s Boss On ‘The Middle’?]
Professor Grant is portrayed by Josh Cooke. He’s appeared on many TV shows but he’s best known for his recurring roles on Hart of Dixie (Joel Stephens), Dexter (Louis Greene), and Scrubs (Dan Stonewater). Cooke is also recognized for his roles in the films I Love You, Man (Alan, the bench press guy), Quarantine 2: Terminal (Henry), Finding Joy (Kyle), and The Opposite Sex (Kendrick). The Middle airs Wednesdays at 8pm on ABC.