In the TV movie The Breaks, three friends – Nikki, David, and Deevee – are living in New York City (circa 1990) where they’re trying to break through into the hip-hop scene. Nikki gave up a scholarship to law school in order to take an internship at record label Fouray Entertainment. Her boyfriend David (David Call) has a lot of baggage in the industry as his father is a powerful manager. And aspiring producer Deevee (Tristan Wilds) is trying to find the next big rapper. The movie is based on Dan Charnas’ 2011 book The Big Payback.
[Who Is David In ‘The Breaks’?]
Nikki is portrayed by Afton Williamson. She’s best known for her roles on Banshee (Alison Medding), Blindspot (Kara Slaone), Elementary (Shauna Scott), The Following (Haley), Nashville (Makena), A Gifted Man (Autumn) and last but not least Homeland (Helen Walker). The Breaks premieres on VH1 on January 4 at 9pm.