In the TV movie The Red Dress, a young beautiful married woman named Patricia (Rachel Skarsten) has her first child. But her husband Rainer lacks the parental instinct to hold the baby. And then one night, a fire breaks out in their home and the couple loses their baby. After the death of the baby, Rainer suggests he and Patricia move to a remote area on the island of Malta. The plan is to start anew. But even against the breathtaking backdrop — and with a stunning new red dress — Patricia learns the hard way that she can’t trust her husband.
[Who Is Wife Patricia In ‘The Red Dress’ LMN Movie?]
Rainer is portrayed by Callum Blue. The Englishman is best known for his roles on Proof (Peter Van Owen) Royal Pains (Milos Kuester Ratenicz), Smallville (Zod), and The Tudors (Anthony Knivert), and in the films The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (Andrew Jacoby), Colombiana, and the Dead Like Me (Mason) movies and TV show. The Red Dress will air on LMN on January 24 at 8pm.