In the new animated comedy Bordertown, “Mexifornia” border guard Bud Buckwald (Hank Azaria) lives next door to immigrant Ernesto Gonzalez who has been in the country less than 10 years and is already doing better than Bud, which drives Bud batty. Bud is not happy when he learns that his daughter Becky (Alex Borstein) is engaged to Ernesto’s nephew, J.C. But Bud’s fury doesn’t last long when news that a new anti-immigration law may get J.C., a recent college graduate, deported.
Ernesto and J.C. are portrayed by Nicholas Gonzalez. The Texas-born actor is best known for his roles on Jane The Virgin (Marco Esquivel), Sleepy Hollow (Detective Luke Morales), Underemployed (Keith Powers), Melrose Place (Detective James Rodriguez), The O.C. (D.J.), and American Family (Young Conrado). Nicholas Gonzalez also provides the voice of Pablo Barracuda on Bordertown, which airs Sundays at 9:30pm on Fox.