In the TV movie The Wrong Roommate, after breaking up with her unfaithful fiance, a young college professor (Jessica Morris) moves into her sister’s home. When she arrives, she discovers that she’s sharing the house with a hot, single artist living in the guest house/attic. There is a mutual attraction, but the professor won’t be thrilled to discover that the artist has been invading her privacy.
[Who Is College Professor In ‘The Wrong Roommate’?]
The artist is portrayed by Jason-Shane Scott. He’s best known for his role as Will Rappaport on One Life to Live (1998-2007). Will was the brother of Jen Rappaport who was portrayed by Jessica Morris who’s playing the professor in The Wrong Roommate! Scott most recently appeared in the Hallmark Channel TV movie Christmas Land. The Wrong Roommate premieres on LMN on January 3 at 8pm. It will air again on January 4 at 12am and January 16 at 4pm.