Too few people drink enough anymore, but people still love the idea of a classic pub. That’s why — besides a playful jiggering of the Facebook algorithm — the closing of an Australian pub called Rosie O’Grady’s is trending way at the top on Facebook, right up there with Kanye West. The pub, in Fremantle, is just 20 years old — yet it’s being mourned as if an era will close along with Rosie O’Grady’s doors. (Either that, or a Facebook engineer just decided to see just how many people he or she could get interested in the story. They’ve been suspected of some experimental trickery in the past.)
Fewer than 3,000 people Like Rosie O’Grady’s on Facebook, which makes the story’s popularity even more strange. Still, as Ray Menna says on Facebook, “When your legend spreads far and wide, you become popular. Yet, today is a sad day for people in Aussie whom love Irish.”