So, in a massive surprise, Hollywood has decided to give us yet another reboot. This time, it’s the vine-swinging Lord Greystoke, alias Tarzan (played by an assortment of muscles disguised as Alexander Skarsgaard). Jane is played by Margot Robbie, who by the looks of things has mastered the important thespian art of wearing flimsy clothes while standing in the pouring rain. Also along for the ride are shouty expositor Samuel L. Jackson, mustache-twirling villain Christoph Waltz, and elegant tough guy Djimon Hounsou.
Edgar Rice Burroughs’ creation has been filmed several times, most famously in a series of movies starring Johnny Weismuller. This latest version of the story appears to lean a little too heavily on CGI, and is directed by Harry Potter veteran David Yates. The Legend of Tarzan swings into theaters next summer.