Aviv Grill was one of the co-founders of the Google-backed Miso Media, a company that developed a guitar learning app and a sheet music app. He pitched the company on Shark Tank, and brought indie singer Ingrid Michaelson with him to demonstrate the product. Grill made a deal with Mark Cuban for 8 percent of the company, which after the taping of show raised another round of $2.4 million. Aviv split the money between the two apps. But less than a year later, the company closed.
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Grill tells Inc., “We weren’t singularly focused. We were focused on the same industry but two totally different products.” They weren’t successful at either one. Grill goes on to explain (see video below) what went wrong with great candor. “Instinctually, we knew that this product wasn’t going to be a hit and yet we still pumped hundreds of thousands of dollars into it.” Grill finally shut down the guitar learning app to focus on the sheet music app, but it was too late. He’d run out of money and confidence from his investors. The company closed in March 2013.