In the Hallmark Channel TV movie Crown for Christmas, a recently fired maid in Manhattan, Allie (Danica McKellar), takes a temp job as a governess. She reluctantly accepts the position after being warned that the little girl under her care – a European princess named Theodora (Ellie Botterill) – “has a tendency to terrorize authority figures.” When Allie realizes that Theodora’s poor behavior is just a defense mechanism to deal with the death of her mother, they find a way to become friends. The princess’ father Maximillian, aka the King of Winshire, is impressed and sparks fly between him and the governess. The only catch is: The King is engaged to Countess Celia (Alexandra Evans).
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Maximillian is portrayed by Rupert Penry-Jones. The English actor is recognized by Americans for his roles on The Strain (Mr. Quinlan), and in the Woody Allen film Match Point (Henry), Charlotte Gray with Cate Blanchett (as Peter Gregory), and Hilary and Jackie (Piers Du Pré) with Emily Watson. Crown for Christmas premieres on the Hallmark Channel on November 27 at 8pm.