Maureen Maher of 48 Hours is interviewing the family of Nancy Bishop Langert, the 25-year-old pregnant woman who was shot dead with her husband Richard Langert in their Illinois home in 1990. After the murders, 16-year-old David Biro told his friend Phu Hoang details of the murders. Hoang testified that Biro told him “he accidentally fired a shot when he was surprised by a dog’s barking.” Hoang also said Biro told him he offered to lock the Langerts in the basement and leave. But as Nancy Langert went downstairs she saw Biro’s face and Biro knew he had to kill them. Biro testified that he did tell Hoang about the killings, but Hoang “didn’t realize he was joking.” Biro also testified that he attended Nancy Langert’s funeral.
[Jeanne Bishop Says Sister’s Killer Deserves Second Chance]
Months later, Biro was arrested and eventually found guilty of the murders. After 23 years of silence, he finally confessed to Nancy’s sister Jeanne Bishop, who believes Biro deserves a second chance. Maher’s interviews with the Bishops will air on 48 Hours on November 28 at 10pm on CBS.
Jeanne Bishop is the author of Change of Heart: Justice, Mercy, and Making Peace with My Sister’s Killer