The new ABC drama Wicked City is set in the early 1980s. The protagonists are two Los Angeles detectives — Jack Roth and Paco Contreras (Gabriel Luna) — who are determine to track down a serial killer named Kent Grainger (Ed Westwick). The killer likes to target young aspiring actresses.
Detective Jack Roth is portrayed by Jeremy Sisto. The California native made his film debut in the 1991 film Grand Canyon (Roberto) with Steve Martin and Danny Glover. Since then he’s appeared in Clueless (Elton) and Thirteen (Brady). He’s also known for his recurring roles on TV shows including Six Feet Under (Billy Chenowith), Law & Order (Detective Cyrus Lupo), Suburgatory (George Altman), and The Returned (Peter Lattimore). Wicked City airs Tuesdays at 10pm on ABC.