Okay, so you’re highly-regarded, award-winning actress Kate Winslet. You have been nominated for an Academy Award six times, and when you finally win the gold statue (in 2009 for The Reader) there’s a feeling in the room and around the world of at long last about the whole thing (something which your Titanic co-star Leonardo DiCaprio will maybe also experience if The Revenant does what everyone expects it will do and finally earn him an Oscar — he’s been nominated five times.) And now that you can say “It’s Academy Award winner Kate Winslet” when ordering takeout — or whatever it is that people who have Oscars do to amuse themselves — where do you actually keep your award? On the mantel? Behind glass? In a closet? No. In the bathroom.
Winslet tells WSJ Magazine that she decided to put her Oscar in the smallest room in the house for a very good reason. “The whole point is for everybody to pick it up and go, ‘I’d like to thank my son and my dad’—and you can always tell when someone has, because they’re in there a little bit longer after they flushed. They’ll come out looking slightly pink-cheeked. It’s hysterical.” Go on, admit it; if you were a guest in her home, this is exactly what you’d do. Winslet co-stars in Steve Jobs, opening on October 9.