Colleen Crowley has posted on Instagram fewer than 800 times — lots of pix of her dog included — yet she has an astonishing 145,000 followers. The girlfriend of Cleveland Browns mercurial quarterback Johnny “Johnny Football” Manziel, Crowley is followed even by sportswriters — perhaps hoping for a scoop on media magnet Manziel. Crowley doesn’t post much about football. But one of her recent posts got more attention than all the rest combined. It was Crowley telling fans and other curious sorts that “J&I are good.” After an fighting incident with Manziel that drew attention of police, Crowley wrote that she “appreciates the people who stopped to check on us and call the police, I could see how it may have looked.”
Manziel’s and Crowley’s roadside battle was not a fisticuffs apparently — it was “just an argument,” she says. Still Crowley took the opportunity to tell people not to get out of her business — which is what most people in situations like this do — but just the opposite. Crowley actually said that people who called the cops were doing the right thing. “Anytime anyone sees a guy and a girl arguing on the side of a road they should definitely stop,” Crowley writes, “you never know what it could be.” Mature advice from someone in an unfortunate spotlight.