In the TV movie Mother of All Lies, adopted teenager Sara Caskie (Francesca Eastwood) goes in search of her birth mother Abby. She finds her in jail, serving time for bank robbery and manslaughter. When Abby gets parole, Sara decides to spend the summer with Abby before going to college. But when Abby’s drunken, abusive old partner in crime Carl shows up, Abby puts Sara in terrible danger.
[That’s Clint Eastwood’s Daughter In ‘Mother of All Lies’]
Abby is portrayed by Jennifer Copping. She’s been on tons of TV shows from the original 21 Jump Street to The L Word (Carolyn). Or maybe you recognize her voice. Copping has provided many of the voices for the TV series Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and for The Godfather video games (Frances “Frankie” Malone). Mother of All Lies premieres on LMN on September 13 at 8pm. It will air again on September 14 at 12am and September 20 at 6pm.