In the Lifetime TV thriller movie A Teacher’s Obsession, high school prep student Bridgette is kicked off the lacrosse team due to bad grades. A new English teacher at Edgewood Academy takes a special interest in helping Bridgette improve her grades but then the teacher’s interest turns into obsession and well, things turn nasty.
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Bridgette is portrayed by Mia Rose Frampton. Yes, she’s the daughter of Grammy Award-winning rocker Peter Frampton. (Her mom Tina was a former Playboy bunny.) Mia Rose was born in Nashville but raised in Ohio near the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The 19-year-old actress is best known for her role as Becca Keller on Make It or Break It, a 2009-2010 TV series about a competitive group of teen gymnasts. A Teacher’s Obsession will air on Lifetime on September 6 at 9pm, September 7 at 1am, September 12 at 10pm, and September 13 at 2am.