TLC will air a special two-hour show titled Mermaid Girl: Shiloh’s Journey. It’s about the life of Shiloh Pepin, the 10-year-old girl from Kennebunkport, Maine who had Sirenomelia, also known as “Mermaid Syndrome” — the condition/syndrome fused her legs together. Shiloh was born without a uterus, bladder and large intestine. The cause of Sirenomelia is a mystery.
While Sirenomelia is almost always fatal in newborns, “Shiloh defied doctor’s expectations.” She had more than 150 surgeries and was on kidney dialysis for eight years. In 2009, she died of pneumonia. Shiloh was one of only three people in the world known to have survived the condition. Milagros Cerron of Peru is now 11. Tiffany Yorks of Clearwater, Florida is the oldest survivor at 27-years-old. Mermaid Girl: Shiloh’s Journey will air on September 14 at 9pm on TLC.