Actress Jane Birkin asked luxury brand Hermes to remove her name from the company’s crocodile-skin Birkin bag in July. Now, according to Yahoo! Style she’s okay with how Hermes treats crocodiles. “Hermes said it had identified an ‘isolated irregularity’ in the slaughter process at a crocodile farm in Texas and had warned the farm it would cease any relations should it continue to neglect its recommended procedures.”
[Who Is Actress Jane Birkin, Birkin Bag Namesake?]
Birkin didn’t design the bag, but she was the inspiration for its design by Hermes in the 1980s. A Birkin bag has remained a difficult item to acquire not just due to its price tag — Birkin bags run from $22,000 to $150,000…even used — but also due to its popularity.
[Or just $340, if you believe it: Calfskin Leather Ostrich Grain Birkin Handbag]