The much-anticipated sequel to Blade Runner goes into production next summer, with Harrison Ford reprising one of his most famous roles, Rick Deckard, the futuristic cop who hunts down androids and who might just be one himself. Original director Ridley Scott is returning to produce; Sicario director Denis Villeneuve will helm the sci-fi project. And one of the world’s finest cinematographers, Roger Deakins (Fargo, The Shawshank Redemption, Skyfall, The Big Lebowski) will photograph what he calls a “science-fantasy,” a genre that he has never worked in.
Talking to Collider about the visual choices for the sequel, Deakins says: “I think the look of the film is an organic process. You don’t just look at the script and it comes in your head. While I think the original film is wonderful, this is not the original film… visually it doesn’t have to be anything like the original. It has to stand by itself, and its particular script and its particular story.” Deakins has been nominated twelve times for the Oscar, but has yet to win. Will Blade Runner 2 finally bring him a golden statue?