The San Antonio Spurs won plenty of accolades for bringing big man (and big free agency prize) LaMarcus Aldridge into the fold. Aldridge is so good and talented that everyone is freely ignoring that he habitually holds the ball a lot longer than any current Spur — and that the Spurs specialty, the hot potato touch pass, is as foreign to Aldridge as Mexicans are to Donald Trump.
[David West To Spurs? NBA Trembles]
But it’s the second unit addition of David West from the Pacers that could have more impact. (And could be a first unit move, as the season goes one.) West is actually a better mid-range shooter statistically than Aldridge (by a little). West is one of only two players (JJ Reddick) in the NBA to shoot 50% or better from 16-to-24 feet. That’s the mid-range area that — when it has to be guarded — transforms the three-point line into a firing zone and gives penetration on pick-and-roll the opportunity to double-dip on choices. Point guard Tony Parker must be salivating at what West’s big presence will offer him.