In 2013, Reddit hired its first director of communications Victoria Taylor. She was the facilitator of the popular, high profile AMA (Ask Me Anything) content on Reddit. This week the company fired her — and the Reddit community protested by shutting down a number of subreddits including /r/AskReddit, /r/IAmA, among more than 100 others.
[Jesse Jackson Compares Ebola Patient To A Leper]
Taylor’s abrupt firing came on the heels of an AMA with Rev. Jesse Jackson. Users didn’t wear kid gloves. (About MLK, one reader asked: “How did it feel to smear his blood on your face and shirt before speaking to the press?”) It seemed to catch Jackson off guard. When asked, “What are some things that the average African-American can do to help reduce racial tensions in his area?” Jackson wrote, “Well, the source of those tensions often come from denial of an even playing field. You know, we are very good at athletics.” Huh? Jackson seemed to not be getting very good help from moderator Taylor, who was fired shortly after the Jackson AMA. Jackson ended the confusing and disastrous AMA on this note: “We must learn how to live together.” Just not on Reddit?