David Spade’s sequel Joe Dirt 2 has been released (on Crackle) and it’s getting panned. The AV Club writes: “At an egregious 106 minutes, Joe Dirt 2 feels like a director’s cut where every single moment of footage was carefully preserved, no matter how pointless or unfunny or digressive it might be.”
The film is peppered with performances by celebrities including Patrick Warburton who plays a guardian angel and Christopher Walken who appears for two minutes to talk about inspirational kitten posters. According to AV Club, Joe Dirt 2 “even resurrects the living corpse of Dennis Miller, who provided the framing device for the first film and pointlessly shows up here to make the film’s star seem like slightly less of a smug, smarmy bastard by comparison.” Ouch. It’s true Miller has been MIA. He ended his syndicated radio show after his contract expired in March, and quit Twitter in June.