Steve Moses is one of the least suspecting houseguests on Big Brother 17. According to Big Brother 16 winner Derrick Levasseur, Moses is “weird but no one views him as a threat to his or her game,” which is a big advantage. “[Moses] is absorbing as much as he can right now without actually making any waves. As a student of the game, I’m sure he loves the big personalities. If history repeats itself, most of them will go before him and he knows it.”
Fellow houseguest Jace Agolli, a personal trainer from Venice Beach, is going to try to bully the nerdy Moses and Moses is going to let Jace think he has succeeded. Remember, Moses is a 22-year-old mechanical engineering student at Cornell University, an Ivy League school. He’s no dummy. He hasn’t yet revealed his intelligence. Moses says he’s going into the game as a “childlike, less intelligent young virgin who sleeps with his teddybear.” Big Brother airs Wednesdays and Thursdays at 9pm on CBS.