AC/DC’s never-heard-anything-like-it-before Back in Black album was released on July 25, 1980, 35 years ago today. “Hells Bells”, “You Shook Me All Night Long” and “Shoot to Thrill” are just a few of the glorious odes to madness, youth, energy, rock and rip-roaring living that appeared on Back in Black. As Billboard once put it, half the song titles would make badass tattoos. Try to do the speed limit with Back in Black on in the car.
What better way to salute the occasion than with this video, featuring two completely authentic masterful hardcore rock and roll bands — AC/DC and the Rolling Stones. Here together are two of the most rocking outfits of all time. We’ll just take a line straight from AC/DC to do it: For those about to rock, we salute you.