In the new sci-fi drama Humans, the Hawkins family buys a robot servant, a Synth named Anita. She’s a highly-developed machine that looks like a real human but she’s perfect –and, btw, extremely attractive. Anita does all the domestic chores which puts the lady of the house, Lauren Hawkins, on edge. Several problems arise. And then there’s the very good possibility that the Hawkins’ may be in physical danger in Anita’s presence.
Anita is portrayed by Gemma Chan. The English-born actress is best known for her TV roles on Secret Diary of a Call Girl (Charlotte) and Bedlam (Kiera). She also appeared in the films Exam, Submarine, and Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit. Fun facts about Chan: She studied law at Worcester College, Oxford University, and was classically trained on the violin and piano before becoming an actress. Humans will premiere in the US on AMC, June 28 at 9pm.