Comedic actor (and genius) Martin Short portrayed real life celebrity dermatologist Dr. Fredric Brandt on Tina Fey’s Netflix series “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.” Dr. Brandt had an unusual look He appeared to take Botox injections and wore his long platinum blond hair in a style reminiscent of the pop artist Andy Warhol. Dr. Brandt, who suffered from depression, committed suicide in April. He was 65.
Asked whether comedians should think about boundaries when doing parody, Short said they should. “I think you should try to be aware and try to be sensitive,” he said. “You don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings.” However, the possibility of offending someone shouldn’t prohibit a sketch, either. You can catch Martin Short on one of the last episodes of Late Night with David Letterman on May 6 (11:35 on CBS).