In the new film The D Train, a small town guy named Dan Landsman (Jack Black) organizes his high school’s twentieth reunion. He thinks it would be fun to track down Oliver Lawless (James Marsden), a good looking kid who moved to LA to make it big. On the Sunset Strip, the two men reunite for “a debauched evening of cocaine, pain pills and tequila shots” which “unexpectedly yields a tumble between the sheets.”
The D Train co-writers/directors Andrew Mogel and Jarrad Paul say they wanted to make an “anti-bromance” movie. They didn’t want to treat the sexual encounter as “jokey in any way.” As Paul says, it’s the aftermath (of the sex scene) which is more interesting. But it was the sex scene that was the most difficult for Black and Marsden. It was the last shot they filmed. Mogel said the two actors drank “a lot of shots of whiskey.” Black and Marsden will talk about The D Train with Andy Cohen on Watch What Happens: Live on May 6 at 11pm on Bravo.